Tonight, a good friend's daughter became engaged. He "popped the question" and she said "yes!" She called many of us as friends to share the good news. We could all see it coming (a match made in heaven some would say) but to have it "official" will now allow all the family and friends to rejoice all the more (pardon the pun for those who know them).
This is becoming a pattern for my life. For the past few years, as I watch my friend's children begin to marry and start their own families, I've been observing my own children now the way I once observed my friend's children. My daughters are filling the "life stations" that other's children have travel before them. Our newly engaged friend is 21 today (seems too young now, but as I think that, I acknowledge it is the same age as my wife the day we married) and I realize that in less than 5 full years, my oldest daughter will be the same age... 21! On that day, another time passage will be fulfilled and another will begin.
Time passes quickly I suppose, though that is obviously more a function of perspective than anything else. As natural as it is for time to pass and for children to grow, it should be equally natural for a parent to welcome the change. It isn't always easy.
I'm finding simply appreciating the beauty of each life station and taking in as much of the "scenery" as possible is about the best way to cope. In a few years, that will be my daughter calling our friends announcing the "big news." I can only pray I'm ready for those headlines!
Congratulations to the young man and young woman newly engaged tonight! In another 5 years (give or take a few) they'll continue the cycle and will remember what my kids were like as their kids grow. In one sense it is simply the passing of time, but in another, it is so much more (pardon that pun again... but I think you'll understand).
Time passages.