In yesterday's driving rainstorm, while waiting for a traffic light a bold acrobatic squirrel bounds off a branch just on the edge of my field of vision. Free falling for several feet, he lands on what looks to be a 1,000,000 jigga-volt (whatever that is) electrical line running across the intersection above me. First somewhat cautious and then with increasing speed and grace, the little nut packer goes skating along the line some 20 feet above the traffic below. I am transfixed.
Praying for the light NOT to turn green (a change of pace for me, I'll confess) I'm hoping for a few more seconds to watch the rodent road show. Before my light can turn, bold squirrel is across the entire intersection and bounding down the street. It's rush hour and the squirrel is making better time than I am! I sit wishing I was as confident and cool.
Nervously, I wait for him to make one error and fall to a perilous doom or wind up fried fur with a side of smoke. Thankfully neither is the case as the light turns green. Rounding the corner, I watch bold squirrel leap off the line and disappear into the more natural habitat of another big tree.
Things I learned in 1 minute with a bold squirrel:
1) I need to be as confident in my God-given abilities as he is.
2) Adaptability is where its at, baby... sometimes you sit in trees, sometimes you run on the high wire.
3) Every once in a while you've got to get above the stuff to get a new perspective.
4) There's often more than one way to cross a street.
5) If I go bold, someone else may benefit from my boldness as well.
6) Sometimes you've just gotta get out and do your thing even if it is in the rain.
7) You never know, there just might be somebody watching when you least expect it.
My sincerest thanks to the bold squirrel and for taking me "to school." Lesson learned, I hope!