The church where I serve began a new series of sermons and Bible studies this morning in a series we are simply calling "Made." Taking a look at each of the creation days as they appear in the Genesis account, we're pursuing more the heart of God than a "scientific explanation" for how the world came into being.
This morning, during our time of worship together, we all watched a compilation video our Minister of Videography (yes, we really do have one of those -- and he has amazing gifts in the multi-media arena) created as a video feature following the morning's sermon. It was amazing!
Though set to a lyrical song, the visuals were simply stunning pictures of God's creation shot from all over the globe. What an amazing sight!!! The video images could have stood on their own, without any soundtrack (though the song was a great accompaniment). Vivid images from seemingly every point on the earth. It was refreshing to see the beauty of creation without having to dodge skyscrapers or airplanes or cellular phone towers. The scenes were absolutely breathtaking!!!
At the end of the video, I had an opportunity to speak to the church... and it really didn't feel appropriate to speak (though I did). I merely wanted to point to the screens and gesture something like "yeah... what that video just said is what I want to say, too."
I believe far too often, we use too many words to do things that can better be done without. Too many words to teach, too many words to preach, too many words to share, to counsel, to assist... whatever. So much of the time, words are like skyscrapers, airplanes and cellular phone towers. Words merely clog up the landscape and the airways and cause us all to miss the "forest for the trees" (so to speak).
Now, I'm not suggesting words are always inappropriate, but it does seem to me we live in a rather wordy generation. There are times it feels like I've overrun my allotment of words and it is barely half-way through the week!This past Saturday I spent the day much more quiet than usual. Several friends expressed concern and asked, "if I was okay?" You know, I was just tired of hearing myself talk. If I'm that tired of hearing me, I wonder how tired everyone else might be! (Just ask my kids, I'm confident they will have an opinion on this topic)!
The Bible affirms that "since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities -- his eternal power and divine nature -- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made..." (Romans 1:20). That seems clear enough, doesn't it? I wonder if we might take a cue from nature. Creation doesn't have to use words to communicate God's power. Its presence is enough!
I'm resolving to look more at the creation and try to listen more to the "evidence" of God. If a video can speak so powerfully without words, imagine what a real tree might have to say! I'm also making a concerted effort at lowering my weekly "word count." While friends might think I'm sick, I might actually be moving toward a healthier existence!
Will you join me in listening? Sometimes the "wordless" speak volumes!