The Creator's canvas across the Dallas County skyline is changing -- beautifying with each passing morning. While it will never rival the masterpiece that is New England in the Fall, both native and newcomer to North Texas will appreciate what relative volume of autumn's leaves befall us this time each year.
On this morning's ride into the office, the beauty was appreciable. Brilliant splashes of yellows and golds accented by rich hues of red and burnt amber. Color is such an amazing thing when one takes the time to let it saturate the field of vision. The courtyard below my office window is exploding today in brilliant red. Wishing I could stay and watch long enough to actually see the colors change, I realistically return to the tasks of the day.
Riding at a brisk pace through the backroads from my residence to the trappings of the city early this morning, the leaves were beginning their annual descent to the ground. What a marvelous celebration of creation and the cycles of life! It was glorious having the leafs fall around me and to stir those already resting on the pavement with a quick twist of the throttle. Ah, how blessed the choreography of the foliage under the direction of the stirring acceleration. A merited encore is cheered for the wondrous dance in my side mirrors.
Enjoying this natural confetti, I began to reflect on the things for which the Divine may be celebrating today. Perhaps the spiritual rebirth of countless numbers who today have given their devotion to the risen Christ or maybe an expression of justice and mercy to one who is impoverished or downtrodden. The poor are not far from the heart of God. He would rejoice for the prodigal come home or the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
There is so much for which the Divine might rejoice! (Limited in the depth of meditation allowed on the back of a motorcycle, I dare not think of many more instances on the point, for safe riding demands much attention and coordination. "Hey, look out for that tree... !).
A breeze has blown all afternoon, thus accelerating the descent of Fall's beauty. Before all color is gone and Creation's celebration moves to another phase of partying, may I recommend you take time to soak in the festivities? Creation's "confetti" is flying and the big thunderous noisemakers are likely not too far away (cooler weather and potential storms are forecast for the weekend) to be followed eventually by the hush of snow's blanketed stillness.
Take in the glory and celebrate with the One who has made it all! This is a glorious time of year!
Life is an amazing party with the Creator, isn't it?
How have you responded to His invitation?
I too love the falling of the leaves and changes of color in fall. To me it's like getting a glimpse into a small bit of God's Glory.
But followed by the hush of snow's blanketed stillness? hmmm...probably not so much in Texas :) You might have to get you a Norman Rockwell Christmas card for that beautiful piece of God's creation :)
Good point on the snow. Wishful thinking on my part, I guess. It does seem that winter is "quieter" than any other time of the year, would you agree?
Winter is definitely more quiet in Texas! I think here in TX we have 2 seasons... Hot and not quite as Hot!
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