This week in my faith walk has been filled with clarity on just how truly good God is. Taking what appears in the moment to be a really bad circumstance and routing it for the good is one of the things I love most about watching God be God.
When one feels as if they are at the end of their rope, there is a deliverance for those who trust in the power of the Creator to recreate life in the midst of dire circumstances. It is a divine equation factoring what is at times the worst of humanity with the absolute best in Divine Goodness resulting in something beyond human comprehension. Goodness of this sort is so, I don't know, incredibly "good."
"How can anything good come from this?" is the anthem of the distressed. "I can't believe things could be this good!" is the song of the redeemed.
If you've not taken notice yet this week, look around your own life and in the lives of other people around you and notice the goodness of the One who is Good. God is working all around us and it is fascinating and faith building to watch God be God for I've come to know God is Good, all the time!
What have you seen this week?
You know that's probably why I tried so hard to hook up with you today. I need to go to a confessional. But I know God is good, it's just i'm not as good as I should be.
I'm praying God expedites the visit.
Brothers, eternally.
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