Saturday, June 09, 2007

Winding Road Ahead

Taking off for a few days of R&R (rubber and RPM's). Leaving tomorrow with a friend to do some serious motorcycling in the Ozarks and further parts unknown.

There is something about motorcycling that is different than traveling by any other vehicle. The inherent freedom of only two wheels, one rider is liberating alone. But then add in, not knowing where you are going to ride, where you'll sleep or where or what you'll eat and you have the formula for great fun, thrilling adventure and general all round relaxation. Riding this way in a visually amazing part of the world must be one of the great frontiers still available to 21st century man. 24 hours and counting down...

The "twistier" the road the better, with hopes of something good to eat and a hot shower at the other end of each day is calling my name. "Marco Polo and friend" with tales of adventure shall return. This always promises to be fun...

Ahhh... R&R on two wheels. For me, it personally doesn't get much better than this!

Your prayers are always appreciated.

Friday, June 08, 2007

So Much Beauty

Yesterday life was amazing at every turn. Following weeks of what seemed like nearly constant rain, the North Texas area this week has seen nothing but radiant sun, brilliantly blued skies and warming temperatures. Humidity rises each day to greet the dawn while the full of the day holds the promise of Creator continuing to sustain all created wonders of His hands.

For the fourth consecutive day, blessings rolled under my two wheels as I darted here and there on what has been an excessively transient week of ministry. Yesterday was virtually booked solid from hour upon hour upon hour. Rather than the usual tens of miles traveled typically from garage to office and back again, this week hundreds of miles have rolled under tires and up the odometer finding me on one church campus or another, zipping from one appointment to the next all while doing what avid motorcyclists live and love to do -- ride. This is a beauty than only a relative few can appreciate.

But yesterday... yesterday saw beauty culminate in a wonderful span of just a couple hours.

It might be Southern hospitality, the richness of the clay soil or maybe something in the water, but there is something about this place. Arguably more beautiful places exist, but there is something about North Texas. Upon my arrival here approximately two years ago I often heard of the Dallas Arboretum, but I had somehow avoided my first visit. However, like a distant voice calling out from behind a thick russet of foliage, something beckoned me to come. Not to merely "go there," but to "be in this place."

Through the gracious hospitality of a friend, an active member and volunteer, the blessing was mine to visit the beauty of the Dallas Arboretum. Walking through the established stone entrance was as if I entered into the arms of the Creator himself. This place embraced me as if to suggest "why has it taken you so long?" I wondered myself.

For two hours my friend and I walked, talked and absorbed breath-taking beauty. As Rich Mullins once wrote, "There's so much beauty around us for just two eyes to see, but everywhere I go, I'm looking..." I could have stayed... not for hours, but for days.

Slowing down long enough to hear the articulate language of the breeze hushing through the trees or to catch a bloom practicing its tethered dance before being released from its duty to surrender one life for another is beautiful. So much beauty... I will return, and none too soon.

Later brought a gathering to meet at our home as a band of Christ-followers eager to go deeper, farther, longer and more sincerely with the humble One. So much beauty, two eyes (and ears) surely can't take it all in.

Finally, finishing the night in a gathering of literally hundreds of "two-wheeled" types and their machines... beauty of a different variety to be sure and of a very specific audience, but so much beauty remains... beauty is so often and so much in the eye of the beholder, isn't it?

So much beauty...