What I choose to do for "fun" is clearly dangerous. Admitting the obvious isn't too difficult, especially in light of an incident that occurred a few weeks ago. As the old motorcycling adage goes, "It's not 'if' but 'when' (details are merely details at this point -- and courage need not dwell on details)." But, by mysterious compulsion, all is back to normal and I'm riding again.
Yesterday's ride to the office was shrouded in surreal ambiance. Fog was heavy, near the ground and thick. Traveling from our home on the "outskirts" of town allowed the fog to gather heavily around acreage, small lakes and residential ponds. Riding ever cautiously (perhaps even more so, now) ambient transitions were quite pronounced. Enveloped from one fog bank to another provoked a strong sense of gathering in me as if I were being welcomed in by the morning mist. Was this a taunting by the sirens of danger? A quick flash of doubt beckoned the question, "Why do I do this, again?" "Back you tremptress of fear and boring transportation!" was my quick reply.
Collecting all over the front of my bike and on the helmet's faceshield, the misty experience was bordering on nuisance until a thought hit me like a 100 mph gust." He is with you -- the Lord is as everpresent as this mist." Suddenly, though nothing around me had changed, it was as if everything within me did. A rush of Divine presence swept through me as swiftly as a well executed turn. Effortlessly smooth... He is this close, always!
The envelopment of fog took on new meaning. Still riding with caution, my spirit relaxed in the present awareness that God is always this close -- I'm just too often not this aware of His presence. As fog elevates the need for a rider's attention, so does the presence of the Lord. Wider eyed, quicker to respond, God's presence should call out the best of one's heart, skills and abilities.
He is not far from any one of us. Recognizing His voice with increasing frequency requires discipline. Sensing His presence requires an ever-developing awareness. He is present -- the Everpresent -- and His love for you is "everlasting to everlasting" (Ps. 103).
Closer to the heart of the city, the mist and fog began to rise -- but I am left with this reminder: He remains everpresent.
Praise His holy name.
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