A dear friend rolled into town unexpectedly earlier this week and asked if we could get together. I always enjoy it when that kind of thing happens. Tending toward the spontaneous end of things myself, I'm generally always up for a spur of the moment outing. Some people are like recepticles of energy and they have the blessed gift of dispensing it liberally. These friends are this way in wonderful fashion.
Six of us enjoyed an incredible evening of rich dining and even richer conversation. My friend's generosity (he insisted on picking up the tab -- "thank you, again, my friend") -- was only exceeded by the magnitude of friendship and meaningful conversation shared. Our friendship runs only a few years back, but the bond is quite strong.
When we first met, my friend was struggling. I was too, but he at least had the character to let someone know about it. I remember the first night we met at a mutual friend's house. Conversation was instantly easy and remains so to this day. It was his pure heart and honesty about his pain and the willingness to get "better" that drew me in so quickly. It is weird, when you are positioned to help someone else who is really struggling but, as the "helper" you find yourself wishing you could discover the same level of honesty as the "helpee" so that you could level out your own life as much as they are trying. There is something powerful about being a "wounded healer" but the willingness to admit the woundedness is critical.
Nearly broken every way but free, my friend had fallen on some hard times. Financially, relationally, emotionally... "broken" could have been his middle name. I promised myself to stick with him regardless of the cost. Sometimes people just need a friend they can trust and rely on regardless. Friends like those are in short supply and difficult to find. If you have one, hang on to them!
Now, only a few years later, things are quite different for my friend. Financially, relationally, emotionally... "put together" could be his middle name. Deliriously successful in business, engaged to be married to a lovely lady, emotionally as sound as a symphony orchestra, it is great to hear
I couldn't have agreed more.
I'll confess I've not always been the best at friendship. For that I'm sorry. Too often, I thought of myself before others or hid behind my veil of ministry. I've asked my Creator to reveal my faults and to guide me into deeper and more meaningful relationships and progress is well on the way.
One principle I'm finding to be true is "every minute counts." If you are blessed with good friends today, remember that people need a friend they can trust and rely on regardless. Friends like those are hard to find and every minute spent together counts!
Good post!
I agree... good post!
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