I just returned home from an area-wide worship experience featuring ministers of various sorts leading worship and reading scripture. The event actually had its roots in the church where I currently serve, but in recent years it has grown into something rather grand in scope and size, meeting in a local events center.
Tonight, as part of the event, brothers in the Lord were honored who have 50 or more years invested in preaching. Some of these men have over 70 years notched into their "preaching belt." That alone is impressive. I'm honored and blessed to know some of these men personally and count them as good friends and mentors. I can only hope to one day stand in their legacy.
Tonight, at a reception honoring these preachers of longevity, a friend and I had the opportunity to ask one of these legends what the secret to preaching so long is. Among the things he told us, one of the first was "Have thick skin." How true that is!
Preaching is no easy gig. I'm not saying it because at one time in my life I did it on a weekly basis and somehow want to revel in the "glory days." I'm saying it because it is true. Any time a mortal and sinful man stands to deliver a message that is eternal and morally perfect, somethings gotta give in the equation and usually it is the "skin" of the preacher.
We also asked one of these blessed brothers what its like to be in a room with so many "veteran" preachers. In all his wisdom and experience, he said, "Only one thing can describe a room full of preachers: A mess!" he said. I'd have to "Amen" that one, too. I loved his candor, his humor and his wise insight. This legendary preacher knew of which he spoke.
To stand in front of people laying your "guts" out there week in and week out takes its toll on body and spirit. I've made more mistakes in my ministry than I care to report here and I pray God's grace on every one of them, but as weekly listeners to preachers, we need to give our brothers who get up every week a little "grace," too.
Unless you've done it, you can't imagine the burden that resides in the position of preaching. Regardless of what "brand" of Christianity it is, preaching is a hard life. I've read the autobiographies of many a "done" preacher... and the "body count" is staggering of those who "used to preach, but don't any more." (In fact, I just recently finished an excellent book by a former female preacher who has left her post... her story is the same. So it is not gender specific, either).
Ministering to people is hard enough in itself. But preaching weekly is by far the hardest thing I've ever attempted to do in my life and the number of really great guys I know who don't do it anymore is a telling commentary on just what it can do to a person. If you have a good preacher in your life, please tell him what he means to your life.
How someone can have a record of 70+ years of preaching, is a testimony to the power and faithfulness of God and to their ability to wear "thick skin." Until you've stood in those brother's shoes, you might want to take a look at yourself, your character and whether you could stand for a single sermon (let alone 70 years worth) before casting a single disparity your preacher's way. I know some people who "think" they could do a better job, but given the chance, I wonder!
How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news (Rom. 10:15). My good brothers who are still preaching... sit a while and take a rest in the Lord! Thanks for what you do! May God continue to give you the strength to carry on!
Was that Barbara Taylor Browns' book, if so, it was great.
Yes. That is the book and I found it an insightful read.
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