Early this morning the forecast called for 70% rain. 70%! In north Texas that's a pretty good shot at rain. In Phoenix, where I once lived, 70% are betting odds... you could take 70% to the bank!
Today, in the time between leaving the house and walking into my office (following morning coffee and a power bagel) that likelihood had dropped from 70% to 40%. After being in the office for about an hour, I saw approximately half a dozen drops fall outside my office window on a spot covering about 70% the size of a piece of notebook paper! Now, as I sit here at the laptop at the end of the work day, the sun is shining, a cool breeze is blowing and I think I just saw two love birds sunbathing in bikinis and sharing a bird bath in a puddle left over from last night's sprinkler run! (Okay...maybe I've been inside too long and had one too many cups of coffee!)
Rain? What rain?!?
Here is why I'm hacked! Because of that "fake" forecast, this is how my day was regretfully altered... Let me enumerate...
1) I neglected my daughter's exuberant joy and independent freedom by driving the car she usually takes to school, thus significantly altering her day and unilaterally cramping her style.
2) Driving a car meant I wasn't riding one of my beloved motorcycles (for avid motorcyclists... a day when you could ride and then you don't ride is like asking a duck to walk everywhere he needs to go. Sure, he can go that way, but swimming, trolling or flying are way better alternatives -- because you're built to do them)!
3) Because I drove the car, and consequently thought I would have to pick my daughter up from school when she was done, I turned down a ticket to the Rangers' Home Opener (baseball, for the lesser informed) with a good friend because I "would not be able to get back to school in time to pick up my daughter."(In my opinion, there is nothing much better in all of sports than "opening day" -- even for a mediocre team-- being at the ballpark live on opening day is the best! There is just something "spiritual" about the whole experience.
4) Finally, as it turned out, my daughter stayed after school with some fellow drama students and their director completely alleviating my need to provide transportation. So as it turns out, I could have gone to the game after all -- where it didn't rain there, either! (Is the whining apparent at this point?)
5) I still didn't get to ride my motorcycle (have I already mentioned this?)!
The only positive thing I can see from today's whole meteorological fiasco is that I actually was able to accomplish a lot of productive work today -- which I would not have done sitting in The Ballpark at Arlington -- but, boy, would a hot dog or two and a good ballgame with a friend have been great? Need I even answer?
At our church, we are currently looking at the Genesis account of the seven days of creation. In our study of this biblical text, one of the theological truths that has struck me is how Sovereign the Creator is over all that has been made. He is the One who separates light from darkness. He is the One who establishes the boundaries of the sea and the land. He is the One who creates all vegetation and all creatures simply by speaking a word... and it was so!
Yes, I will fully admit my complaint is petty and generally irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. But is is funny how the truth in "little" matters can bring clarity in the "big" ones, as well. I think of how often I kick against God's creative power when things don't go the way I think they should. Whether "big" or "small," God still has His hand on things and He is the great "Re-organizer" of life either when things don't go the way we think they should or when, frankly, we mess up. It is a good thing God is always Sovereign.
For the rest of the day, I'm going to merely try and enjoy the beauty just outside my office window and when I leave this moment, I'm going to step out into the remainder of the day believing it is "good" and that everything is just the way it ought to be. "And there was evening, and there was morning...", today!
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