Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Take Time to Make Time

"To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?" says the Holy One.
Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens:
Who created all these?
He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name.
Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing."
(Is. 40:15-26)

Do you find yourself standing in front of a microwave oven urging it to "hurry up?" Is your car floorboard filled with crumbs from weeks of breakfast "on the go" during your morning commute? Do you find yourself drumming your fingers on the steering wheel waiting for a red light to change? Is your cup of "instant" coffee after you hit the office just that much too slow? If so... you might want to loosen your schedule up a little bit!

More and more Americans are becoming addicted to "busyness." If you don't believe it, command the attention of a room full of people and then just be quiet and see what happens. In less than 120 seconds, people will begin to fidget and get uncomfortable. Withing about 3 - 4 minutes inevitably, someone will break the silence or leave the room. It is indicative of a culture that has trouble sitting still for very long! The thing is we like being "busy" though busyness may not be the best thing for us!

Are you busy? Are you too busy? If you were to rate your busyness on a scale of 1 to 10 (1o being most busy) how would you score on a typical day? Do you take time to make time to simply be quiet and still? The more hectic we allow our lives to get, the more difficult it is to "take time to make time." When we find ourselves too busy to take time to make time, it is then time to pull back and gain some perspective.

Too often we live in an illusion we are so important that our "busyness quotient" somehow speaks of our intrinsic value. We pride ourselves on tight schedules and may "tip our hats" to those who are even more busy than we are. We justify ourselves by daytimers and chalk our self worth by appointment calendars. And then... perhaps when we are least aware of the bane of busyness... we may "lift up our eyes and look to the heavens." And then we see...

I've never created a star. I've never called the stars by name (even though for less than $30 I can have one named after me -- name one here) and I certainly can't tell you if one is missing or not. Can you?

When I'm so busy that I'm keeping track of all the stars in the universe, my opinion is then I can put God on hold or not take time to make time to spend quietly in His presence. Until then... I'm just not that busy!

How about you?

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