Saturday, November 04, 2006

Crossing Over

Up late last night, channel surfing seemed like the right amount of exercise before retiring from a long week. Catching a channel or two of innane TV (in my opinion it is difficult to find much substance these days on the airwaves), I came across an episode featuring a man I've seen before. His claim is to have the ability to "cross over" and communicate with those who have departed life in the flesh. If lacking authenticity, he and his audience members do a convincing job of playing out their scripts. If authentic, it is interesting observing how much effort is taken (both on this side and the other side) to instill peace and comfort for those who are left remaining on this earth.

Typically, this TV personality is communicating to remaining family members from his "readings" of the departed. Sometimes the departed are quite animated and emphatic to stress that everything "over here" is fine! Fascinating, really.

The most difficult audience members for me to watch are the parents of children who have "gone out of season." The "medium" often says the same thing, "I know this is difficult for you because what has happened to you isn't the way it is supposed to be. A parent is supposed to die before the child," he suggests.

To watch these parents not only struggle with the loss of child(ren), but to deal with their own guilt, questions of parenting, etc. is a heart rending thing. Authentic or not, the burden these people carry is worthy of attention,prayer and is quite authentic. Having personally never lost a child, and praying I never do, I appreciate we all live in the reality that it could happen (either as child or as parent). (Note: as my first child approaches the driving age, this is why I'd like to buy her a Sherman Tank as her first vehicle, but I can't afford one and I've heard the gas mileage and maintenance costs are horrible!).

In a couple hours, my family will attend the funeral of someone we've only met once. A lovely lady who lived to the ripe age of 95, we are attending to "mourn with those who mourn" (Romans 12:15) and are honored to do so. Closer to her grandchildren and great grandchildren than we were to her, we go to gather by their sides and renew old friendships in the process.

Though we go to mourn, I anticipate there will be less mourning and more rejoicing. The lady's son has already sent out email notices to this point. LuLu "crossed over" confident in her relationship with the Creator. A lifelong follower of Christ, she lived out her time faithfully and well. Crossing over for her seems to be as natural as turning off the TV and going to bed, only to rise in a far, far better place where there shouldn't be any difficulty finding something Good to "watch."

Blessings to her 95 years and to her family who celebrate them.

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