Friday, April 13, 2007

Cool Spaces

It seems to me the longer God blesses each of us to live, the more we begin to appreciate the "little" things in life. The smile of a stranger, the scent of a bloom as we pass by, the first sip of a good cup of coffee or the gentle hug of a loved one. These "little" things are what seasons our life with beauty, blessings and joy.

One of the things I have come to really appreciate in the past few years has been "space." Not the "final frontier, to boldly go where no man has gone before variety" (though that really fascinates me and can consume a significant chunk of reading or net-surfing time for me), but the "living spaces" my life encounters.

I've been affective about my space for as long as I can remember. I recall the frequent times during my childhood when my mother would come into my bedroom and just "hang out" for a while because she simply "liked the space." The right lighting (ask my patient wife how crazy I am about lighting in our home -- it is the first thing that has be to "right" whenever we move into a new space and I'm always adjusting dimmers to "fit the mood") the aromas, the sounds all contribute to a space being "right" for me.

Some of my favorite spaces are out in creation, but living in a major metropolitan center, that is not always an easy thing to find. Therefore, I find myself finding "new interior spaces" that speak to me and bring meaning into my life. I have several but don't like to advertise them much due to their relative vulnerability at becoming something other than what they are for me.

As I write this entry today, I'm sitting in one of those spaces. Sitting in a dark corner, upstairs in a loft, I have retreated here for a great cup of coffee and in search of some creativity. There is something amazing about "space" in that it can either work against you or for you in any given moment. Today, this space is working for me and I have a wonderful sense of energy from it (of course, that might be the coffee, too).

The thought of going into the office with our current construction noises (we are in the home-stretch of a major facilities renovation), epoxy fumes, phones ringing, doors knocking and emails pinging (though in this space I do have the benefit of free Internet access -- how cool is that?) to get some of the day's deadlines met, I simply felt I had to seek some solace and proper space.

I think Jesus must have had the same need. In Gethsemane he went away to experience what would be the deepest moment of encounter with His Father He would ever face and it was apparently a pattern of his behavior to seek "solitary places" (Mark 1:35) where He prayed and restored Himself.

Today, I'll share a photo of this space I'm enjoying and give praise to God for all my "spaces" and for the power they hold in my life. This has been an incredibly productive and creative hour I've spent in this "space" and my hope is that if you don't have special "space" (or spaces) in your life, you will begin seeking it/them and allow it/them to bless your life in significant ways.

Peace and productivity be yours in the One who created space and may you "boldly go where no one has gone before."

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