Friday, April 27, 2007


A busy week has precluded my being at the "blog" table much this week. But while we're on the most recent topic, how do you eat your "M's?"

There is something about eating M&M candies that prevents me from popping a whole bunch of them in my mouth and just chomping away. It would appear there is a refined art to eating M&M's like there is to eating sunflower seeds (another favorite baseball pastime of mine). In my opinion, one can't merely slam a handful of M&M's into their mouth and chomp away. There is a better way...

Take your "M" and greet the "M" (there is only one M on each piece) with a smile of recognition and appreciation. Acknowledge its specific color and shape (not all M's are created equal by the way and some are downright mutant (those are fun to eat) but all still pack that wonderful flavorful experience. While appreciating the color, there is no truth to the rumor that difference colors have a different taste. Blind taste tests will prove this point.

Now comes the exciting part... to crack an M between your teeth and accomplish a "perfect split" is the best experience in M consumption. A "perfect split" separates the shell right around the radius of the candy and splits the candy coated shell from the milk chocolate on the inside, thus a "perfect split." Now stick the tip of your tongue in that empty shell side and break it against the back of your front teeth. Notice all the little pieces. Fun!

Next hold the exposed milk chocolate side of the M open side down on your tongue and let the milk chocolate melt onto your tongue. This is better than drinking chocolate milk... creamy, yummy, good!

If the other side of the shell is still in tact after letting the mild chocolate melt (a rare occasion) crunch that thing into oblivion and reach for another candy. Repeat the process!

If I gave this much attention to the subtleties of my relationship with Christ, how different would my walk with Him be?

Oh, by the way, how do you eat your M's?

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