Friday, October 13, 2006

Opening Night

From the time she was in her mother's womb, we had the sense she would be on stage. Anytime we played music, she reacted in some form or fashion. "What was she doing in there, anyway?" was our primary question. Huey Lewis and the News made her settle down and go to sleep. Classical, especially Dvorak, would really get her going. We knew her name would have to have some musical connection. "Melodious Lady" (Bevin) was born to us over 15 years ago and talent has always been part of her inborn "stuff." She has just enough "ham" in her to make it fun as well.

By the time she was 3, she found the fireplace hearth to be a suitable stage. Climbing up on the two foot "stage," she did a mean sing along with Wynonna Judd's "No One Else On Earth" -- which sounded more like "No one is enough... to ever hurt me." I wish you could see the video... It'll crack you up!

Finding a "stage" has never been an issue for her and she proved it last year as a Freshman in high school, being co-named "Best Newcoming Actress" (along with a very good friend -- way to go "Zinga") from voting among her peers. A couple roles last year really got the theatrical blood pumping in her veins.

Last night, stepping out on stage in her first female leading role ever, it was evident to family and friends she is naturally "in her element" when she is on the stage. Though still quite inexperienced, she seems so naturally suited to entertain. Similar to when she was 3-years-old singing her heart out, but now certainly more refined and mature, it is as if she gains more confidence with each performance. I suppose she comes by some of it honestly -- both parents have been on stages of varying kinds most of their lives. But, tonight was her night and she is officially off to find her own way on the road of talent, giftedness and desire.

Being a proud father is never easy. Holding back the "button-busting" takes a guarded tongue and the ever open eye that sees others are kindly gifted as well. What fun, though, watching your own child step onto the stage of "life." What will she become remains to be seen.

I do know a Father, of a heavenly variety, that knows all too well the stages unfolding before this child and all others as well (Ps. 139; Acts 17:26). He has known from the beginning, from before the time we watched her in the womb sleeping to Huey and awakening to Dvorak what she will become. He knew about this role and all the other life roles to come. He knows, He cares and He loves far greater than we as parents ever will. Even for a proud parent, that thought is superlative! Could life get much better than that?

What "stage" is the Father leading you toward? If "the world is a stage" then let's dim the lights, call the cast into place, and raise that curtain... for surely this is "opening night!"


Anonymous said...

Oh that made my eyes tear up! Can't wait for her next performance...count the Blocks in!

Liz Moore said...

Congratulations Bevin! Please let us know when she has another performance. We would love to come!